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Internet Marketing Tips & Product Reviews By Barbara

InstaViral - Viral Marketing Tips

June 13 2016

When you hear the word 'virus' what do you think of? Do you think if being sick, having some disease or illness? Or, maybe you have an online business, and you immediately thought of something going viral on the net, like content. This kind of content is something that gets created, lots of people notice it, and then for whatever reason they share it with everyone. Viral content does not need extra marketing.

This is the online version of terrific word of mouth advertising. It is a dream of pretty much every internet marketer online. Viral traffic can put more eyes and ears on your website than you ever thought possible. Here are some things you can do to increase the likelihood that your work will go viral and you will get the attention you crave.

Place your work in a visible place. Only creating your work is not enough. You need people to know it exists. Submitting to social bookmarking sites is one of the best ways to do this. Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon are great (and free) services that you can submit your work to. These sites are always visited by internet users that are looking for the next big headline. You can change from unpopular to popular if only a few of these internet users click on your links. Make it easy for people to find you. Your work won't ever go viral if people have to look for you.

Find someone who is extremely popular, and then link or associate with that person.

Or, you can find a popular person in your market and do a video review that's somehow related to that person, or that person's product. If all goes well with that campaign, you could earn yourself some goodwill with a link to your content, or video, and that will bring you traffic. You could end-up with significant traffic if you catch that person's eye and there's some mention, or link made, on the other end. If your work is good they might start linking and sharing your work as well. And that's how you would achieve what's called, 'going viral.'

Tell people an interesting story. People love great stories, and that will capture their attention like nothing else. People generally are uninterested in random facts, but... if you can use that fact in a unique story of some kind then you may have a viral story. You want people to be invested in you and what you are saying.

The best way to do that is to tell a story and grab their attention. Stories are always more popular than blurbs and advertisements. Do you agree that a really cool or interesting story is better at grabbing attention than an ad? Stories have the effect of almost driving people to say, 'I want to know more about that.'

Producing a viral campaign is but a dream for many thousands of online marketers. The truth is that nobody knows exactly why one person's work gets incredibly popular and another person's doesn't. The most sound approach is to only create and promote the highest quality content you can. Aside from being viral, the benefits from only doing that much will be immense for you.

For an in-epth InstaViral review visit


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